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Showing posts from September, 2021

Wednesday, Sept 29

 HUM 7 Went over citations key Key is in the classroom I will not be taking in late assignments as the key has already been posted In-class written assessment on reclaiming Indigenous place names DUE FRIDAY  HUM 8 Went over citations key Key is in the classroom I will not be taking in late assignments as the key has already been posted In-class written assessment on reclaiming Indigenous place names DUE FRIDAY  HEALTH 9 Watched "Secret Path" Filled KWL chart  We will finish the rest of the film on Friday

Tuesday, September 28

 HUM 7 Went over the 5-finger reading rule for choosing novels We went over the photo response from yesterday Changing names article began planning for our in-class writing assessment tomorrow   HUM 8 Went over the 5-finger reading rule for choosing novels We went over the photo response from yesterday Changing names article began planning for our in-class writing assessment tomorrow   HEALTH 9 Literacy day-boa word cart

Monday, Sept 27

 HUM 7 Intro to Truth and Reconciliation Week Photo Response Ally Toolkit (DUE WEDNESDAY) Exit ticket response (DUE FRIDAY)  HUM 8 Intro to Truth and Reconciliation Week Photo Response Ally Toolkit (DUE WEDNESDAY) Exit ticket response (DUE FRIDAY)  HEALTH 9 Screenagers discussion Managing your time

Thursday, Sept 23

  HUM 7 Citations Practiced twice as a class Citations assessment-due Monday night, if not done in class Awesome Presentations due tomorrow  HUM 8 Citations Practiced twice as a class Citations assessment-due Monday night, if not done in class Awesome Presentations due tomorrow  HEALTH 9 Student choice day

Wednesday, Sept 22

  HUM 7 3rd day to work on Awesome Presentations No more class time after today Due Friday You are NOT presenting these in front of the class  HUM 8 3rd day to work on Awesome Presentations No more class time after today Due Friday You are NOT presenting these in front of the class Health Finished Ellen Kelley's video on 10 tips to help you start the school year right Handout and video link are in Google Classroom Watched video on 7 mistakes students make at the beginning of the year

Tuesday, Sept 21

 HUM 7 Discussed election results 2nd day to work on Awesome Presentations We will have one more day to work on these tomorrow Due Friday You are NOT presenting these in front of the class  HUM 8 Discussed election results 2nd day to work on Awesome Presentations We will have one more day to work on these tomorrow Due Friday You are NOT presenting these in front of the class Health Discussed what are the most difficult things about transitioning from summer back to school  Watched Ellen Kelley's video on 10 tips to help you start the school year right Handout and video link are in Google Classroom

Monday, Sept 20

 HUM 7 Student Vote 8 Tips for an Awesome Presentation Went over guidelines (In Google Classroom) We will have class time to complete tomorrow and Wednesday Due Friday HUM 8 Student Vote 8 Tips for an Awesome Presentation Went over guidelines (In Google Classroom) We will have class time to complete tomorrow and Wednesday Due Friday HEALTH 9 Terry Fox Run

Friday, Sept 17

 HUM 7 Election reflection In-class assessment What is not done is homework, due Monday Watching leader's debate  HUM 8 Election reflection In-class assessment What is not done is homework, due Monday Watching leader's debate HEALTH 9 Talking about Terry Fox

Thursday, Sept 16

 HUM 7 Today was the last day to work on getting to know the candidates Due Friday, Sept 17 Students will be completing an election reflection for assessment on Friday based on the research they completed  HUM 8 Today was the last day to work on getting to know the candidates Due Friday, Sept 17 Students will be completing an election reflection for assessment on Friday based on the research they completed Health 9 Learning styles

Wednesday, Sept 15

 HUM 7 We took up the Levels of Government handout that was due for homework today The key is in the classroom under "Levels of Government"  Introduced Getting to Know the Candidates Assignment We will be working on this in class tomorrow as well DUE FRIDAY, SEPT 17  HUM 8 We took up the Levels of Government handout that was due for homework today The key is in the classroom under "Levels of Government"  Introduced Getting to Know the Candidates Assignment We will be working on this in class tomorrow as well DUE FRIDAY, SEPT 17 HEALTH 9 Finished writing Once Upon a Picture stories

Tuesday, Sept 14

 HUM 7 Student Vote-Day 2 Levels of Government Students worked on filling out the handout using the Google Slides presentation that is under the "Student Vote" section in Google Classroom What is not done is for homework We will be taking it up in class tomorrow  HUM 8 Student Vote-Day 2 Levels of Government Students worked on filling out the handout using the Google Slides presentation that is under the "Student Vote" section in Google Classroom What is not done is for homework We will be taking it up in class tomorrow  HEALTH 9 Writing Strategy-"Once Upon a Picture"

Monday, Sept 13

 HUM 7 We went over the Current Events assignment Students signed up for two days to present this semester (in pairs) Please check the Current Events tab under class resources for assignment and rubric Student Vote-Day 1: Democracy We went over the principles of democracy and matched up various scenarios with what principle(s) they pertained to The Google Slides presentation has the 11 images There is also the PDF with the definitions of the different principles  HUM 8 We went over the Current Events assignment Students signed up for two days to present this semester (in pairs) Please check the Current Events tab under class resources for assignment and rubric Student Vote-Day 1: Democracy We went over the principles of democracy and matched up various scenarios with what principle(s) they pertained to The Google Slides presentation has the 11 images There is also the PDF with the definitions of the different principles Health 9 Last day to work on visual resumes due by the en...

Thursday, Sept 9

 HUM 7 Reading Strategy: Chunk...Put it Together This is in Google Classroom Tomorrow you will be given a different article and assessed on your ability to summarize it Finishing My Life in Pictures Due Tomorrow   HUM 8 Reading Strategy: Chunk...Put it Together This is in Google Classroom Tomorrow you will be given a different article and assessed on your ability to summarize it Finishing My Life in Pictures Due Tomorrow  HEALTH 9 Working on Visual Resume  Due Monday, Sept 13

Tuesday, Sept 8

 HUM 7 Handed in Bio Poem Began "My Life in Pictures" Assignment is on Google Classroom Due Friday, Sept 10 Completed in-class writing sample If your student was away, it has been loaded in the Google Classroom  HUM 8 Handed in Bio Poem Began "My Life in Pictures" Assignment is on Google Classroom Due Friday, Sept 10 Completed in-class writing sample If your student was away, it has been loaded in the Google Classroom Health 9 Visual Resume-Day 1 Due Monday, Sept 13

Monday, Sept 7

 HUM 7 How to answer questions Bio poem The instructions for both of these are in Google Classroom  HUM 8 How to answer questions Bio poem The instructions for both of these are in Google Classroom  HEALTH 9 We went over my classroom procedures and guidelines 

Friday Sept 3rd

 HUM 7 Please make sure you have completed and handed in your Humanities student Survey Intro to Google Classroom Classroom Procedures (in Google Classroom) Writing Strategy: Free Write (in Google Classroom) Homework:  Accept invite to Google Classroom Answer question in Google Classroom HUM 8 Please make sure you have completed and handed in your Humanities student Survey Intro to Google Classroom Classroom Procedures (in Google Classroom) Writing Strategy: Free Write (in Google Classroom) Homework:  Accept invite to Google Classroom Answer question in Google Classroom HEALTH 9-26 Please make sure you have completed and handed in your Health student Survey Intro to Google Classroom Homework:  Accept invite to Google Classroom Answer question in Google Classroom