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Showing posts from February, 2020

February 28, 2020

HAPPY LEAP YEAR!!! HUM 7 Last work period for RAFT assignment. Due MONDAY, MARCH 2nd.  I WILL NOT be able to print your assignment on Monday  If you did not ask me to print it today in class, you are now responsible for printing it over the weekend; either at home or the pubic library We began writing the first draft of our paragraphs  HUM 8 Work period for our Literature Circles First discussion is on Monday. You must be prepared to discuss and present your assignment on chapter 1-3 You will have iPads to access your assignment, so you DO NOT need to print it off Practice discussions for our literature circles based on "The Child Who Walks Backwards" Literature Circles Link: PRINTING: Please print off the following two maps FOR MONDAY. You DO NOT need to print off the instruction sheet, I will have that for you on Monday.  Map link:   ...

February 27, 2020

HUM 7 Working on RAFTS last in class day is tomorrow Due Monday, March 2nd HUM 8 Practicing drawings for literature circles discussion tomorrow Introduction to the Aztecs-looking at human sacrifice in Aztec culture create another level 2 and 3 question from Costa's Three Levels of Questioning Video link: Handed in for assessment #2 on creating deeper-level questions REMINDER: PLEASE PRINT THE FOLLOWING ,APPING ASSIGNMENT FOR CLASS TOMORROW  HEALTH 7 Brainstormed things we liked about Tom Baines and things we wanted to change for "Principal Listens" Boa cart-numeracy

February 26, 2020

HUM 7 Current events Final note of pats of a paragraph-closing sentences.  PowerPoint: Notes: HUM 8 Current events Final chapter 6 partner presentations We went over the Chapter 6 Test marks posted in Power School HEALTH 7 Last day to work on "Health Conditions Caused by Food" worksheet This should be saved in your Nutrition folder in Google Drive It must be completed when you hand in the rest of your Nutrition Unit in a couple weeks. No specific due date has been set. 

Tuesday, Feb 25

HUM 7 Working on RAFT assignments, due Monday, March 2nd  HUM 8 Ch 6 Test Looking at Life in the 1960's PPT: Created questions based on Costa's three levels of questioning-assignment at the end of PPT: Literature Circles. All information is contained in the following folder: 7 Nutrition Day 5 Looking at the connection between food choices and health disorders-worksheet. Copy and save to your Nutrition folder Link:

Thursday, Feb 20, 2020

HUM 7 5-Star retell of the Royal Proclamation (page 163 in textbook). See above Finished Chapter 5 fill in the blank notes (shared earlier in blog) on The Quebec Act Link to Chapter 5 PowerPoint:  Health 7-14 completed ELA lesson above

Wednesday, Feb. 19

HUM 7 current events-be sure to check the list in the classroom or the earlier blog post which lists the running order for current events. It is your responsibility to know when you are going and have your presentation ready. Please share with me before you present.  Paragraph Lesson #5-transition words.  Note:  Worksheet:  HUM 8 Current events  Comma note Note:  Worksheet:  We will be continuing our work with commas next Wednesday REMINDER: Chapter 6 test-Tuesday, February 25 HEALTH 7 Nutrition-day #3 looking at fo...

Tuesday, Feb. 18, 2020

HUM 7 We completed a chart on the different options that Britain had when dealing with the First Nations and Canadiens after Britain's takeover of North America. Read pages 159-162 in the textbook and created a chart with the information on page 162, outlining the three options Britain had when dealing with each group. We also wrote a paragraph outlining what option we would choose for each group if we were the King of England.  We completed a note on adding supporting details in our paragraphs.  Please copy the note off of someone in class.  HUM 8 Day one of CH 6 Imperialism presentations.  If you were away today, you will be presenting tomorrow or Thursday, depending on time.  Presentations, if you need to add to your notes or, for your test on Tuesday, Feb 25.  Reminder of current events for all Humanities classes tomorrow. Please consult t...

Tuesday, Feb 11, 2020

HUM 7 Practiced making topic sentences based on a subject and a controlling idea, and then students mad their own sentences given only a subject. Read the story, "Fiddles and Spoons" in small groups and began answering questions.  We will get back into our groups tomorrow to complete the sheet and hand in answers.  HUM 8 Work period for chapter 6 partner presentations HEALTH 7 Looking at Canada's Food Guide.  Assignment: Complete this online. You will hand to have this completed for the end of our nutrition unit. 

Monday, Feb 10, 2020

HUM 7 Practiced breaking up paragraphs you can get the sheet in class Ch 5 note-continued. Fill in the blanks up until The Quebec Act-stop there: Topic Sentences note: HUM 8 Took up colon, semi-colon and dashes grammar worksheet.  Please borrow someone's in class so you can correct your work.  We got into partners and choose topics to present on Tuesday, Feb. 18th. Link for assignment: Sean and Aalia, you will be working together and you are assigned #6.  You only need to research and present on your number. You will record the rest of the answers in class on presentation day, which is TUESDAY, FEB 18th.  HEALTH 7 Passion Projects with reflection Taking...

Friday, Feb 7, 2020

HUM 7 Homework check for Vocabulary Connector-Part I Handed in graphic organizer from yesterday, based on different perspectives of The Great Deportation Vocabulary Connector Part II with matching words to definitions.  Introduction into paragraph writing-day 1. What are they? What do they do?  We identified why authors chose to put paragraphs where they do.  HUM 8 Homework check for vocabulary connector. Handed in POV on news article assignment Colons, semicolons and dashes. Note in class. Assignment: Complete for class on Monday.  Viewing activity-"The Vedlt", looking at theme vs. main idea.  Health 7 Introduction to nutrition in-class activities and discussion

Thursday, Feb 6, 2020

HUM 7 Looking at point of view. Read "Voices in the Park" Created a Five-Finger Re-tell of The Great Deportation (pg 148 in textbook) Homework: Began a graphic organizer outlining the perspectives of the French, British, Mi' kmaq and Acadians  on the great deportation. One speech bubble for each group of people, written in first person perspective. HUM 8 Began looking at alternating perspectives on an event.  Chose a news article and created a graphic organizer outlining all the viewpoints involved.  Due tomorrow.  Health 7 Pillar survey

Wednesday, Feb 5, 2020

HUM 7 Part 1 of Chapter 5 notes.  If you were away for Band, please print off the note handout and copy from someone who was in class today.  We read pages 144-145 in the textbook and answered questions 1 & 2 in the Respond section. We will be taking these up tomorrow at the start of class.  Reminder, vocabulary connector due Friday. HUM 8 Took up "T" Chart from Tuesday Began vocabulary connector for Chapter 6-due Friday Vocabulary:  Imperialism, immunity, quipu, decolonization, terraforming Health 7 Personal day. Binder clean out, vocab connector, studying for science or math, silent reading.

Tuesday, Feb 4, 2020

HUM 7 Today we got into our current event partners for semester two and dates were assigned. The link to the new assignment sheet can be found here: Running Order 7-10: Running Order 7-14: Began vocabulary connector for chapter 5 vocabulary part 1: Colonization, deport, great deportation, strategic positioning, prejudice, genocide, ethnic cleansing  HUM 8 Today we got into our current event partners for semester two and dates were assigned. The link to the new assignment sheet can be found here: Running Order:

Monday, Feb 3, 2020

HUM 7 Bio Poem-due tomorrow if not completed in class Example:   Reminders:  Bring vocab connector sheet to class tomorrow:  Notes for Wednesday. Print off sheet and bring in. Otherwise, you will have to copy out all notes. Link:  HUM 8 Bio Poem-due tomorrow if not completed in class Example:  HEALTH 7 Introduced Passion Projects Assignment link: Inspiration: