- We completed a chart on the different options that Britain had when dealing with the First Nations and Canadiens after Britain's takeover of North America. Read pages 159-162 in the textbook and created a chart with the information on page 162, outlining the three options Britain had when dealing with each group. We also wrote a paragraph outlining what option we would choose for each group if we were the King of England.
- We completed a note on adding supporting details in our paragraphs.
- Please copy the note off of someone in class.
- Day one of CH 6 Imperialism presentations.
- If you were away today, you will be presenting tomorrow or Thursday, depending on time.
- Presentations, if you need to add to your notes or, for your test on Tuesday, Feb 25.
Reminder of current events for all Humanities classes tomorrow. Please consult the running order in an earlier post.
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