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Welcome Back!!!

HELLO STUDENTS!!! What a crazy few weeks it has been! I have missed teaching all of you but I am glad we are starting to get rolling with school work, even though we are not in room 14. I hope you are all making the most of the time at home with your families and staying healthy and safe. I am trying not to bake too much and eat too many goodies!!! 

As as I am sure you have heard, we will be starting off slowly and ramping up our course work over the next while. For Humanities, it is expected that we will be doing approximately 5 hours of work a week. Sometimes this will be in the form of one big assignment and other times it will be smaller activities. Like in class, I will not be marking every single thing you are asked to complete at home. Sometimes it will just be an exercise to practice for something you will be assessed on at a later time; practice makes perfect! 

Current Events: 
We will be continuing with our Weekly Current Events. You do not need to record a speaking portion, I will be taking that out of the marking scheme, but you will still have to work with your partner and submit one presentation for the two of you. Please see the new running order under CLASS RESOURCES in our Google Classroom. 

Google Drive: 
Please make a HUM folder for yourself in Google Drive and share it with me. You can put all your HUM assignments there and that way, I can see what you are working on. It should have "HUM", your first name, first initial and your homeroom. Please share it with Example: Caroline A.  7-14 HUM

Google Classroom: 
We are going to be moving away from my blog and we will be starting to use Google Classroom. I am pretty pumped about this! I have sent an invite to ALL students, so check your edu Gmail account. I will also include the codes for each class and you can join that way, if you want. Disclaimer: like your other teachers, I am vv new to using Google classroom so it will be a learning experience for all of us, so please have patience with me :) 
Classroom Codes: 
7-10: m3k62pp       7:14: gipqpi6            8:33: 3rvygi4

HUM 7: 
-Make your HUM folder and share it with me

-Head over to the classroom and answer the question I have posted-this is just to see if this Google Classroom thing actually works! 
-Hand in your stamp paragraph (if you haven't already!)
-Create your stamp!!! Head over to the classroom to get a template and get further instructions and to see the due date :) 
-Read for AT LEAST 20 minutes everyday-this is part of your daily routine now. 

HUM 8: 
-Make your HUM folder and share it with me 
-Head over to the classroom and answer the question I have posted-this is just to see if this Google Classroom thing actually works! 
-Finish reading "The Outsiders". Head over to the classroom to grab a PDF copy of the book. 
-Complete Costa's Three Levels of questioning for the last three chapters (10-12). Do two questions for each level-6 total. You will fill these out and submit them in the classroom. I have put Costa's Question sheet under Class Resources in the classroom. 
-Read for AT LEAST 20 minutes everyday-this is part of your daily routine now.

Google Meet: 
We are going to try and have our very first Google Meet session on Friday, April 3rd. Please see the times and links below for the meet ups. I have also sent you guys an invite in your Google Calendar. Please mute your microphone. 
7-10 10:45-11:00 am:
7:14 10:30-10:45 am: 
8-33: 11:30-11:45 am:

Whenever you have questions, please email me at I will get back to you as soon as possible. I will come up with a shared Google Doc for asking questions soon, so hang tight for that one! 

PHEWF! I think that's it, for now! Once again, I wanted to say WELCOME BACK, well, sort of, and I am looking forward to seeing all your wonderful faces on FRIDAY, APRIL 3rd!!!


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