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Thursday, December 13, 2018

HUM 9:  Vocabulary activity with ch 4 vocabulary 9-23: The vocabulary document that 9-41 has been shared with you so you can look at it and study from it. It is a mini word cycle for pairs of words on the vocabulary list.  Worked on descriptive writing passage for "The Secret Path". We will be typing up our passages in the Learning Commons tomorrow for the entire block.  REMINDER:  Ch 3/4 test on Monday, Dec 17. Multiple choice  HUM 8: took up quotation assignment on "The Landlady" from yesterday The key for the assignment has been shared with you on Google Drive in case you would like to check your answers again or, if you were away.  Worked on outlines/rough drafts of essays.  We will have one more day tomorrow, Friday, to complete the rough drafts of our essays.  We will be typing up our essays on Monday, Dec 17 in the Learning Commons.  You will have the entire block to type and will have to hand in whatever you h...

February 27, 2020

HUM 7 Working on RAFTS last in class day is tomorrow Due Monday, March 2nd HUM 8 Practicing drawings for literature circles discussion tomorrow Introduction to the Aztecs-looking at human sacrifice in Aztec culture create another level 2 and 3 question from Costa's Three Levels of Questioning Video link: Handed in for assessment #2 on creating deeper-level questions REMINDER: PLEASE PRINT THE FOLLOWING ,APPING ASSIGNMENT FOR CLASS TOMORROW  HEALTH 7 Brainstormed things we liked about Tom Baines and things we wanted to change for "Principal Listens" Boa cart-numeracy

Monday, Nov 5, 2018

HUM 9:  Practice PAT questions in preparation for Ch 1 Test on Thursday, Nov 8 Study notes for everything you need to know for Ch 1 has been shared on Google Drive Difference between a right and a freedom created a Frayer model for each one Freeze Frame creative writing Assignment: due FRIDAY, NOV 9 HUM 8: 1960's Cultural Event GIST handed in Discussed main characters of The Outsiders   Asking Good Questions read article on Marco Polo and created one level 2 and one level 3 question based off of Costa's three levels of questioning  European Mapping assignment. Below is a link to help you find answers at home:  Life Skills 9:  Journal Entry-dealing with conflict situations Introduced Violence Prevention Action Plan Project-Tuesday, Nov 13